Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Fun on a Fall like day/ Olivia the great is walking!

Alyssa is holding Olivia so she does not get jerked around on take off! Such a good big sister!
The girls laughing and driving and eating cookies and talking on the "phone" they couldn't understand what a CB was. Signs of the future!?!

Crazy driver watch out!Olivia walking at 10 months!

Hunters First day of 2rd Grade 8-25-09

Hunters first day of school for 2rd grade was kind of funny. This year he is at a new school, they redrew the boundary lines and now he is going even further away to school... Dumb I know, but that's that. Anyways, he now has to ride the bus in the mornings and after school. So on our first day the bus NEVER comes! As luck may have it, our neighbor took him and his daughter for the first day. So we were very nervous to see him get off the bus in the afternoon. School is over at 3:15 and he finally got home at 4:50! But they have since then fixed the problems and he now goes and comes on time!
Hunter was very proud of his "college looking back pack" it has only one strap! We love it for the storage space and "GO Heels!"
Off the bus for the first day, and he had a huge skinned up knee, very messy play ground miss hap.
Alyssa and Olivia had to wait a VERY long time so they decided to have a snack. I love it that they dress alike most days! So much fun!!!!
Olivia Loves Hunter she bounced up and down and clapped her hands when she saw Hunter!
The Gang ready for snack and HOMEWORK on the first day! Welcome to 2rd grade...

Why Moms love it when dads stay home!

This is what happens when I leave the kids at home with Billy, he lets them be "Free Spirited"

What is everyone laughing about? Do I have something on my face?
That is ok, you just wish you could enjoy your food like I can!
Would you like a Kiss?
I am still a cutie pie!
I had to go do my visiting teaching, and I made dinner, Olivia loves any kind of pasta dish. As you can see lasagna was a big hit! Billy had her clean, bathed and ready for bed when I got home. Great job Dad! Plus he gets major points for the pictures!!