Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Family Home Evening Games!

I love it that the kids like daddy to do strange things to them. After f.h.e. the other night the kids wanted to try and touch the highest on the wall. Alyssa has become afraid of heights, even though Billy use to throw her so high in the sky. Hunter was the winner, he touched the top!


Hunter is playing basketball with the city league. His team has a lot of little kids on it. He is doing great and just made two 15 footers to win the game last Saturday. He has gotten so tall this year. He got this Carolina basketball suit for his b-day. So Handsome!! My baby is growing up to fast!!!!!!!!!!


SNOW!!!! last tuesday we got a dusting and the school s closed. The kids played in it until they were frozen. Then came in for hot apple cider!

Hunter turns 7 years old!

My loving friend Amy, made Hunters cake. She made a peanut butter cup ice cream cake! yummy in our tummy! Her family and my friend Allison came over to help us celebrate, with Billy's parents and cousin. We had hamburgers and hot dogs! Great fun for all...
Gift from Nana and Papa
Cup cakes at his school

Birthday gift from his family
Birthday breakfast
Hunter lives for cash! He is so excited to see 7 dollars
Card from Grandparents Bennett
Hunter and Alyssa blowing out the candles. We have always gone in and woke him up with doughnut and the happy birthday song.

Olivia Likes to Cuddle

Olivia likes to hold her dolls. She holds one while I change her and when she swings. She is so sweet!

Hunter and Alyssa Jumping Beans

Hunter and Alyssa Love to jump! Hunter has been bouncing her since she was born, and she laughs so much, it is so sweet. Hunter is very good at flips and unnatural flip turns and flying through the air!!!!

Crazy Kids!

It was 13 degrees out side wind chill of 9 and my kids and the neighbors kids were playing out side. They got hungry and went to the outside fridge and found pop cycles . Only a child could want something cold when it is this cold....But no ones melted...so no messy hands or clothes!!!